How to update server default PHP version to the recommended version for WordPress
“Your server is running PHP version 5.4 but WordPress 5.2 requires at least 5.6.20”
In case you saw this message on your site when installing WordPress, it means that your PHP version is not supported and WordPress requires minimum 5.6 PHP version.

To fix this issue, you need to contact your hosting provider support and ask them to upgrade the PHP version on a server to at least version 5.6.
If you use cPanel at your hosting provider, you can change PHP version yourself. First log in the cPanel for your account. Then click the “PHP Version Manager” tool in cPanel. Usually, you’ll find it in Software section and different Hosting providers name it differently like “Select PHP version“, “PHP Selector” etc

Navigate to the directory you would like to change the PHP version for by clicking on the folder icons. Note that the change will apply to subdirectories for the chosen directory as well. If you would like to make the change for the whole website – choose the public_html directory. Click on the directory name. Select the desired PHP version from the list and click Update.

If you have followed along with good job! Your site is now ready for WordPress.