Avada Theme Blog Element: How to Remove or Change Featured Image Hover Effect

Avada Theme Blog Element: How to Remove or Change Featured Image Hover Effect

Avada Theme is a popular WordPress theme that offers various customization options, including the ability to add featured images to your blog posts. By default, when you hover over a featured image in the blog element, it displays a hover effect. This effect includes an overlay with the post title, post date, and a link…

How to Quickly Fix Font Awesome Icon Problems in Avada Theme

How to Quickly Fix Font Awesome Icon Problems in Avada Theme

Are you facing the broken Font Awesome icon issue on your Avada theme website after migrating it from one server to another or from a production server to a staging server? This can be a frustrating issue, but don’t worry, it’s an easy fix. In this post, we will guide you through the steps to…

How to Fix Blurry Background Images in the Adava Theme on WordPress

How to Fix Blurry Background Images in the Adava Theme on WordPress

The Adava Theme on WordPress is a popular choice for many website owners. One of the common issues faced by users of this theme is a blurry background image or small image size. If you’re experiencing this issue, don’t worry, as it can be fixed easily. In this blog post, we will guide you through…