How to check server CPU and memory usage via command line (SSH)
Log in to the server via SSH. Execute the command below to run top utility:
Log in to the server via SSH. Execute the command below to run top utility:
Before we start, let’s know about the Vim modes. Vim has two modes: Command mode When you start Vim, you are placed in Command mode. In the command mode, you can move across the screen, delete text, copy text and give commands to the editor to get things done. Insert mode If you want to write…
If you want to add a button to reset your FacetWP filters, you may use the snippet below: Reset FacetWP Facets Reset all facets: FWP.reset(); Or reset one facet: FWP.reset(‘make’); Or reset multiple facets: FWP.reset([‘make’, ‘model’, ‘year’]); Or reset individual values: FWP.reset({ ‘make’: ‘audi’ }); Use onclick for buttons and other HTML elements: <button value=”Reset” onclick=”FWP.reset()” class=”facet-reset”>Reset</button> Don’t know where to write this code?…
Widget Title Style – 1 If your width title wrap directly under heading tag like H2, H3, etc like the below screenshot then use .widget .widget-title If the actual text wrap with another inline element like span the below screenshot then you need to add that extra wrapping tag also .widget .widget-title span
Problem: Parent menu item not clickable when submenu enabled Some WordPress theme by default disables parent menu links when they have dropdown menu items. If you have a submenu enabled the parent menu item is no longer clickable to link through to the page, it just opens the submenu. We’ll make the parent menu items…
You need Envira Gallery Pro and Envira Gallery Pagination addon to active Pagination in Envira Gallery. Paste this code in your Theme Custom CSS section or If you have Envira CSS addon then Misc >> Custom Gallery CSS section.
Divi does use the flex property for contact module Submit button (as you can see in the image below) you can center align the button very easily. We need to remove the float and horizontally center the button. Flex uses the justify-content property to align the flex items at the center of the container. or…
Divi breakpoints The breakpoint means that the layout of your website changes at a certain screen size. Divi has three default breakpoints for mobile, tablets and desktop versions of your website. CSS media queries for Divi Breakpoints For screen sizes not larger than 479px. You want to use this for mobile devices. For screen sizes…
If you would like to remove the “label” of the “Category:”, “Tag:”, “Author:”, “Archives:”, “Date:”, “Post Format:” and “Other taxonomy name:” in the archive title, follow the steps. If you look at the source code of get_the_archive_title(), you will see that there is a filter supplied, called get_the_archive_title, through which you can filter the output from the function. Access function.php file via FTP or WordPress…